Friday, May 4, 2012

A letter to my self

At the airport I picked up a copy of O magazine, and there was Oprah, talking about God.  She had written a moving letter to herself, at age 20. Here’s an excerpt:

“You’ve spent too many days and years trying to please others and be what they wanted you to be. You will have to learn that the wounds of your past – rape, molestation, whippings for “stepping out of place,” and not being allowed to show anger or cry afterward – damaged your self esteem. Yet through it all, you’ve held on to a belief in God and God’s belief in you.

That will be your single greatest gift: knowing there is a power greater than yourself and trusting that Force to guide you.”

I was inspired to write a letter to myself, as I am today. I challenge you to write yourself a letter – what do you want to tell your 20-year old self? Or what does your future self want to tell you now? Are you brave enough to post your letter in the comments? :)

Dear Beautiful Bald Mama,

I see hope in your eyes. I see a light that can shine on others and open up a dark place in their hearts.

Yesterday as you were late shuttling the kids off to school and Alex was throwing a tantrum about his shoes and Ben was refusing to wear his backpack since the buckle was broken you felt hate in your heart. But you don’t hate your kids. You hate the feelings welling up inside of you of fear and powerlessness.

Don’t lock your heart up out of guilt. Know that those bad feelings are okay. Work hard to teach your kids that their anger and sadness are okay too, and request a do-over if you need to try again.

You will feel distanced from your kids, your husband, your friends and family, and know that one thing will bring you back: your belief in God and God’s overwhelming love for you.  Spend time everyday listening for that still small voice.

Be joyful! You are a part of this amazing world. Give of yourself generously, and it will be given unto you (did you like the upgrade to first class after you offered to trade seats with a young mom?).

Celebrate the divine in this world and the divine in you.



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